Tuesday, March 28, 2006

PBC 2006!!

Parrot Bay Classic 2006...what a GRAND time! 23 people, 1 dog, ?? canoes, and 4 days out in the backwoods of Arkansas. Who could ask for anything better??

In all seriousness, it was a great 1st time "solo" in my own canoe! And I didn't "tump" over! There was only one major tumping over names included and I don't believe it was even their fault...and Zip managed to somehow end up in the river (Blu? Amy? Beck? What'd you guys do to him??). We somehow made it thru Slapnutz's storytelling (much luv, Nutz) around the campfire, amid Ken's interruptions :) And it didn't rain (well, ok... a few drops here and there)--but did you ever see so many people pack up a campsite so quick? I don't even think I finished my coffee before we shoved off and headed down to the take-out (which ended up being closer than what we all thought!). I guess that's what the threat of rain will do!

We are all looking forward to the July float...maybe we'll have some water to float in?? With the way our rains have been, that may remain questionable!


Anonymous said...

First time on the Metro?? It is a great ride any where in the country, but to have such transportration in the Capital is a good thing. It is inexpensive and a great way to get around.

Now, what is a blog, and how do you make one??