Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a month of Birthdays!

In retrospect, I should have labeled a post for all birthdays in August...I didn't realize we had so many wonderful reasons to celebrate!

Little Garrett is officially a year old--how time flies. We have watched him grow from newborn to almost walking. Maybe next time I see him, he will be walking! I'm sorry to say I missed his birthday party, but I was wishing him many happy birthday wishes from home.

We had two more birthdays over the weekend and I was told by a little bird it was also an anniversary weekend for Mom and Pop Funk. Both Mom Funk and Matt, who share the same birthday (!), celebrated on Sunday. Happy birthday to you both!!

And Happy Anniversary to Mom and Pop Funk. I hope you have many more wonderful years to share together!

I have one more birthday to note for August...Happy Birthday to my dear friend and sis, Gretchen. Even though you're far away, I wish you many good wishes on your day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Another birthday celebrated for a good friend. Happy Birthday Joel!

Friday, August 08, 2008


Done! I really, really, REALLY enjoyed reading Stephenie Meyer's Twighlight series. Just about as much as the Harry Potter phenom. It was enough to keep me up very late (or early depending on how you look at it).