Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

From Our Home To Yours...Many wishes for a wonderful and blessed holiday season!

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's December...

And I have not posted for some time. I don't know why...probably because I've been extremely busy at work (more than I ever imagined), plus it's that time of year. Time seems to escape me when December rolls around. Hard to believe Christmas is only 14 days away.
I found this picture on my camera...I'm not responsible for it. I know it was either my husband or my stepson, but I'm not sure which. I thought it was a beautiful picture and it brought a smile to my face. A nice surprise.
For the most part, we are ready for Christmas. I think. I still have some trimming to do on the Christmas tree at home (at least it's up! With lights! Of course, the tree is pre-lit). The tree and I have issues every year. It bites when you are trying to 'fluff' it. And a Christmas tree that has been in a box for 11 months needs fluffing. Lots. So, I am licking my battle wounds as I prepare for another battle...adding the ornaments or aka 'trimming the tree'.
My Christmas cards are in the mail (YAY! On time this year!) and I have two more presents to shop for (but I know what I'm going to get; just need that boost of energy to go get them). And I have a couple of packages to get in the mail (another battle--the post office. Sigh.)
Over all, I feel as though I am ahead. And that is a good feeling. Christmas is my favorite time of year, but it's also the hardest time of year for me. I still think about my mom every day. I know she is smiling down upon us because this was her favorite time of year too. And she would be happy that I am *feeling* good about Christmas.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Thought in Passing...

" The Democrats will now control the Oval Office and both branches of Congress.”

Something about having that much power in one concentration scares me. While I think it’s not a good thing to have two sides arguing all the time (especially when it comes to making decisions for the good of the entire nation), there is a reason why that argument exists (reality check, anyone?).

Now, we will wait and see what happens. And I hope and pray that President-elect Obama comes through on all his promises to us, the American people.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Catch ups

It was a busy October! My oh my, where has time gone??
I have a few baby announcements that are late in coming...Blu is a great uncle once again. Colton Sawyer was born back in August to his nephew and wife--congratulations to you guys! And I hate to say it, but we really can't wait to meet the new addition (yes, we have been THAT busy!).
And congrats to the Jobe family who welcomed Logan Dwain (I think I did not spell this right, but will check on that) on October 3rd...I am sure Annie will be sharing pictures sometime soon.
And finally, Blu was successful in muzzleloading this year and shot an 8pt.
Two weeks later, Spenser shot his first deer during our annual youth hunt.
Hopefully, if work permits, I'll be able to get out in those deer woods next weekend for opening weekend 2008!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Las Vegas

I went on a mini-vacation over the Columbus Day weekend holiday. To Las Vegas, with the girls. We had a lot of fun, got to catch up with each other, WALK a lot, and eat plenty of good food.
It was a good trip and I feel refreshed. That's a good thing because coming back to work on Wednesday was total chaos.
If you ever get a chance, visit the Shark Aquarium at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino. They have a pretty good exhibit, not too expensive, and made for a relaxing afternoon activity.
One thing I did do differently this time in visiting Vegas was to stop by the 'old part of town' called Freemont Street. It was pretty cool--they run a light show on an overhead ceiling top. The show runs on the hour at night. We got to see Queen performing "We Will Rock You". I think they change the show around each time.
And I didn't lose my shirt. But, I didn't win a million dollars either.
How was your Columbus Day weekend? I hope everyone had a good one!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

All you need is love...

Nothing is more calming than a warm lap to sit in or a warm kitty purring in your lap.
The catloader (aka Roxanne aka Na na) loves her dad.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Went up to the farm over the weekend; it was, after all, the opening weekend of bow season. :)

The pups got to romp and play among the hay bales. They loved it. But, no deer to be had.

We've got time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Another year to celebrate...

I celebrate the second anniversary of my 29th birthday today...YIPEE!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today must be an online quiz day...

Here's another one (this one is from Susannah):

You are Anne Elliot of Persuasion! Let's face it; you're easily persuaded, particularly when friends and relatives try to use "the Elliot way" against you. But this doesn't mean that you don't have conviction. Actually, your sense of duty is overwhelming. And though you won't stick your neck out too often, you have learned to speak up when it counts. To boot, you know how to handle sticky situations. You love deeply and constantly.

Color and Hue Quiz

I stole this this quiz from Sernin...thought it was fun. See how you do!

Line those colors up!

Here's my info:

Your score: 11
Gender: Female
Age range: 30-39
Best score for your gender and age range: 0
Highest score for your gender and age range: 1476

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

More pictures of Snow Creek...

Thanks to Amy for the additional pictures!

Monday, September 08, 2008

WHITEWATER!!! In September no less...

We had water in September thanks to Gustav. So, a few of us brave souls decided to make the best of a beautiful Saturday and go paddling. As you can see, we had a lot of water...and fun!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Arkansas

This is one view from the window(s) in my office. Typically, the green trees you see are, by this time of the year (just coming off August), brown.
Not so much this year. We had two high water events earlier in the year (March and April) and now, we are in the midst of dealing with what is left of Hurricane Gustav. Couple that with the fact we really didn't have a scorching summer (we had some rain throughout June, July, and August), and you get green trees. I hope this means we will have a beautiful fall (the silver lining in all those grey clouds!).
Most predictions are saying the State of Arkansas could get up to 10 inches in some areas. That could be a bad thing.
We're watching this event closely and I hope this storm will soon pass (without any further damage). We had some big trees come down in the neighborhood and I've been hearing that from people all over the office.

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a month of Birthdays!

In retrospect, I should have labeled a post for all birthdays in August...I didn't realize we had so many wonderful reasons to celebrate!

Little Garrett is officially a year old--how time flies. We have watched him grow from newborn to almost walking. Maybe next time I see him, he will be walking! I'm sorry to say I missed his birthday party, but I was wishing him many happy birthday wishes from home.

We had two more birthdays over the weekend and I was told by a little bird it was also an anniversary weekend for Mom and Pop Funk. Both Mom Funk and Matt, who share the same birthday (!), celebrated on Sunday. Happy birthday to you both!!

And Happy Anniversary to Mom and Pop Funk. I hope you have many more wonderful years to share together!

I have one more birthday to note for August...Happy Birthday to my dear friend and sis, Gretchen. Even though you're far away, I wish you many good wishes on your day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Another birthday celebrated for a good friend. Happy Birthday Joel!

Friday, August 08, 2008


Done! I really, really, REALLY enjoyed reading Stephenie Meyer's Twighlight series. Just about as much as the Harry Potter phenom. It was enough to keep me up very late (or early depending on how you look at it).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

We've been celebrating like fools of late...Mitchell and his cousin, Jon, both celebrated a milestone birthday...Sweet 16...on the 28th. That old Ford you see in one of the pictures is the truck Mitchell and Blu went in on together...yes, Mitchell now has a vehicle. But, he has yet to get his permit (and insurance!!). We'll get that worked out soon, though.
And our good friend Beck celebrates his birthday TODAY...Happy Birthday Beck!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Best Action/Superhero Movie in a LONG Time...

I went to see "The Dark Knight" last night and I was NOT disappointed. Love, love, LOVE this movie. Very well done.

Christian Bale plays Batman/Bruce Wayne so well...very impressed with the dynamic between the two roles. And Heath Ledger ...WOW. Jack Nicholson has NOTHING on him for the role of the Joker. Amazing job done by Heath. All-around, the cast for this movie was GREAT. Come Oscar time, I hope this movie rakes in all the gold.

This is the type of movie that makes you fall in love with movies all over again.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

A good ol' fashioned water balloon fight, fresh blackberries, and good times with good friends...what more could one want to celebrate the 4th of July??
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A planner...

Earlier this summer, I went to the zoo with some friends. I took this picture and at the time, I thought this little fellow must be a planner.
He/she saw the rest of us on the other side of the pond (you can't really see the pond in the picture, but it's there--and it's filled with koi), feeding the fish, and he/she actually moved closer to the edge of the pond so that he/she could 'catch' the fish food (must be good stuff).
Smart fellow. He had it all planned out.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bunnies, birthdays, and babies

The following is my husband's description of how we came about befriending our hoppy friend (in the hat):
Dana and I were goobing in the garage last night, when we saw something moving under her truck…. We immediately thought it was a rat! Dana jumped up into her seat, and started to scream (not really...I was saying "It's a rat, it's a rat and I don't want a rat in the garage! All of this while trying to get a broom to swat at it before it got stuck in the garage) when it suddenly came out from underneath her truck and started to make it’s way into the garage. It was a fast little thing, and because we had the light off we really couldn’t make out what it was…….. As the strange creature had made it’s way to the corner, behind our brooms, I managed to get Dana from the top of the table to turn the light on! I eased my way over to the area in which the danger hid and………………………………………………………………..

BAM this guy jumped out ready to defend his corner in our garage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He immediately recognized that I was just a tad bit bigger than him, so he decided to take me on a wild wabbit chase all over our yard / garage…. He finally just gave up and let me grab him. We loved on the poor guy for just right at an hour or so. When we freed him back into the yard, it actually didn’t want to go.
And his definition of 'goobing':
Definition of “Goobing Around”

Main Entry: goobing around
Pronunciation: \ˈgüb-ˌa-round\
Function: noun
Date: 1682
: When Blu evades work or responsibility while sitting in his garage drinking beer or other adult beverages and smoking cigarettes.
We celebrated Amy Sue's birthday Wednesday night with a surprise party. I think she was surprised.
And finally, Garrett with all his smiles, loves being in a canoe. Future paddler? Definitely.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Home Alone.

Sigh. On the agenda for the weekend:

  • Clean house!
  • Organize
  • Movies--Going to see 'Get Smart'. This is the first time in a very long time I have been to the movies on an opening weekend. Well, I guess it's been since the last Harry Potter movie. Those have a special reserve. And if I get a wild hair, I may even try to see 'Sex in the City'. We'll see.
  • Spending time with an old friend and her two boys. Going to the neighborhood pool (if we can lay claim to a spot--it's a pretty popular place to be!).
  • Relaxing.

It's a treat to be able to spend time by myself--time to 'recharge' those batteries!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Motley Crewe

OK...I think THIS is the last one. Thanks Nat!

This one is the 'group' shot, sans my hubby who decided he wanted no part in the picture taking festivities that day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last of the 2008 PBC pictures...I think.

The latest action shots to come in...what a great time we had. Can't wait until next time!

Zoo Day!

I had the opportunity to tag along with some very good friends' of mine as they took their daughter to the Zoo for the first time.
It was such an amazing day--beautiful in every way--and I am so glad they let me share in this moment with them.

Back to San Antonio...

We had a national conference in San Antonio last week. Got to meet up with a gaggle of PA classmates, plus some folks from around the country I hadn't seen since going through the PA Program a couple of years ago. It was nice to catch up with them; I didn't get to participate in much of the conference (well, not as much as I would have liked) as I was tagged to help with 'behind-the-scenes' duties.

I thought it was a good conference overall.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!