Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bunnies, birthdays, and babies

The following is my husband's description of how we came about befriending our hoppy friend (in the hat):
Dana and I were goobing in the garage last night, when we saw something moving under her truck…. We immediately thought it was a rat! Dana jumped up into her seat, and started to scream (not really...I was saying "It's a rat, it's a rat and I don't want a rat in the garage! All of this while trying to get a broom to swat at it before it got stuck in the garage) when it suddenly came out from underneath her truck and started to make it’s way into the garage. It was a fast little thing, and because we had the light off we really couldn’t make out what it was…….. As the strange creature had made it’s way to the corner, behind our brooms, I managed to get Dana from the top of the table to turn the light on! I eased my way over to the area in which the danger hid and………………………………………………………………..

BAM this guy jumped out ready to defend his corner in our garage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He immediately recognized that I was just a tad bit bigger than him, so he decided to take me on a wild wabbit chase all over our yard / garage…. He finally just gave up and let me grab him. We loved on the poor guy for just right at an hour or so. When we freed him back into the yard, it actually didn’t want to go.
And his definition of 'goobing':
Definition of “Goobing Around”

Main Entry: goobing around
Pronunciation: \ˈgüb-ˌa-round\
Function: noun
Date: 1682
: When Blu evades work or responsibility while sitting in his garage drinking beer or other adult beverages and smoking cigarettes.
We celebrated Amy Sue's birthday Wednesday night with a surprise party. I think she was surprised.
And finally, Garrett with all his smiles, loves being in a canoe. Future paddler? Definitely.