Sunday, March 12, 2006

Washington DC, Week 2

And so another week has passed in our trip to DC...What a busy week this has been! We had class Monday with some folks from Capitol.Net; In short, we had a morning session of Civics 101. Monday afternoon was spent learning about the basics of the Institute for Water Resources (IWR).

Tuesday was one of the highlights of the trip with a morning tour of the Pentagon. We were able to see the Pentagon briefing room only 2 hours before Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld gave a speech! We spent the afternoon at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Oh and a visit to the International Spy Museum!

Wednesday was spent on "The Hill"; we were able to attend some hearings and meet with our Congressional representatives. We also toured the Capitol, along with the House and Senate buildings. Wednesday evening, we had the privilege of attending a reception "on the Hill". Pretty cool!

Thursday was shadow day; all of us had the opportunity to shadow a senior leader for the day. What a great chance to see the day-to-day happenings in DC. We had many great stories to share with the group about our shadow experience.

Friday was another class day; Emergency Management in the AM and Appropriations in the afternoon.

By Friday evening, we were all exhausted, but still managed to catch an excellent dinner at the Flying Fish on King Street.

This weekend, most of us opted for "low-key"; a few of us went to Tyson's Corner on Saturday for some shopping...LLBean outlet store!! We also drove on the "Beltway"--and survived! Saturday evening was spent at Las Tapas, another great place on King Street.

Our last week in DC looks to be a little less hectic; In class on Monday, back in town on Tuesday for some media training, a tour of the Library of Congress on Wednesday, and out to IWR on Thursday.

Hope everyone back home is doing well!