Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A day of "firsts"

Well, here we are...smack dab in the middle of the Hyatt lobby. Take a good look because these are the people I'll be spending most of the next 11 months with! Today was a fairly good day--lots of info shared. One point they told us was to keep our "homes" updated on the activities we do and what we're going through...I think this blog is great for doing just that.

UPDATE...A lot of people have requested a who's who, so here's the list of the group and where they're from, left to right, BOTTOM ROW: Randy Campbell; Barbara Blumeris; Dana Needham; Joan Lanier; Maria Chin; TOP ROW: Jason Needham; Alicia Kirchner; Martin Gonzalez; Clarke Hemphill; Vechere Lamply; Shawneen O'Neill; and Jeremy Weber.

We had our 1st group dinner tonight at one of St. Louis' brew pubs called Schlafly. If you're interested, their web site is

Good food, but I didn't try any beers. Well, it's been a day of firsts. Hope everyone is doing good and I'll keep on posting (although, I wouldn't be expecting a post every night...a girl's gotta get some rest, ya' know!)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first day!
It's great that you've got the picture thing working too.
{Town hall yesterday was relatively quick, with certificates, shirts, and hats handed out to the hurricane volunteers. News of the day was that Teresa (with the coffee cup) lost her house in a fire over a week ago and didn't tell anyone about it.}