Friday, April 25, 2008

PBC 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shrimp Cocktail and Getting Ready for PBC 2008!

It would seem that we have been delving into our inner Louisiana-Cajun-selves seeing as how we have had the opportunity to dine on mudbugs and now fresh shrimp. Yum! I took what we didn't eat over the weekend and mixed it in with some fettucine (Mitchell's own recipe! He'll be a chef yet!) last night for dinner and it was YUMMY.

We are also getting ready for the annual Parrot Bay Classic, being held on the mighty Buffalo River this weekend. Since we have had so much rain these past few weeks, it should be a mighty good ride down the river. They are calling for a bit of more rain Thursday into Friday...hopefully, not too much!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

March did not go out like a lamb...

That old saying, "March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb"...well, not so much this year. It snowed the first few days of the month--very unusual for us to get snow (read earlier blogs). And we've gotten a lot of rain. More rain than the great state of Arkansas can handle. For once, I hope it stops raining.


Birthdays in March...Spenser D turned the big 11 and our good friend Brent marked his 34th!