The reason for my sleepless upcoming $555 test. Good for my job, good for my career...bad for my stress levels. I had a dream in which a former (retired) boss had us lined up, telling us whether we passed or failed. Of course, in this dream, I failed. Sigh.
If you look closely, you can see the icicles. We've been having some interesting weather here in day it will be mid-50's; the next, mid-60's (we even hit lower 70's earlier this week); and then the bottom falls out...upper 20's.
This is the only place I know where I have had the heat on in the AM, the air conditioning at lunch, and then heat back on in the late PM. Sigh.
Biologist by schooling, Planner by trade...also married to Blu (yes, his real first name), 'stepmom' to Mitchell and Spenser, and pet parent to Zippy Doo (aka 'Doobie'), Katie (aka 'kookie'), and Roxanne (aka 'na na').