It's beginning to FINALLY cool down here in the Natural State. Of course, now I say that and we'll go through yet another heat wave. Sigh.
I love this time of year. When there's just that hint of crisp in the early morning air and folks are just starting to put up their Halloween decorations (have I said that some retail stores--names not mentioned, but you know who I'm talking about--have already put out their Christmas decorations). Really Big Sigh.
I've realized that along with Christmas, Halloween ranks right up there as a favorite holiday. I'm really excited about being in our neighborhood for Halloween this year. Now, ask me the day after and I may be singing a different tune.
I'm hoping for some good fall colors too. You know...the ones that just make you stop and appreciate that moment in time. Taking a long drive out in the country somewhere, on a beautiful sun-filled, cloud-less sky day.
I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful fall season filled with many happy fall memories!