Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The new Hollywood "It" Girl

Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful...

Katie-Girl got her hair cut for Spring/Summer. She's much happier with the shorter 'do' and not having me brush her hair all the time.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Adventures on the Family Farm

We certainly had a big ol' time out on the family farm (aka 'deer camp') this weekend. Kate got her first visit with the cows--she was a bit timid. Zip just wanted to do his 'job' and herd, but with all the newborn calves, well, I think he was being herded rather than vice-versa.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Adventures in 4-Wheelin'

Sigh. My washing machine got an extra workout on Sunday after the boys' adventures on Saturday. They had fun; it was a beautiful day, albeit a muddy one!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Cat Loader

Roxanne, aka "Cat Loader" as so affectionately nicknamed by my former roommate, Karyn, has taken up some not-so-desired habits. Of late, she prefers to drink her water from the dogs' water bowl (never mind that we went through several 'water bowls' for her before finding out she originally preferred drinking from her own ceramic bowl, not a plastic bowl as most other felines do)...the dogs are not finding this amusing.

She has also taken to making 'nests' in our fake trees. But, we still love our "Na Na". It could be worse; she eats her *nibble* with no issue and is regular with her box--I can't complain. She's just so darn cute at times; I have to share it with ya'll.

As the old saying goes, " extremely spoiled feline lives here with two neglected canines." Yeah, right.